Saturday, May 23, 2015

Ren and Stimpy Season 1 Review

What a short season, only 6 half hours and the average will be easy to calcite when I do my rankings and ratings.

Pilot Dec-29-1991
Big House Blues
Pros: That's Hoek, you eediot, not 'Hoke'!, the party scene, Ren's reaction to the big sleep, 
Cons: Stimpy wharfing hairballs
Superb episode; So this is the pilot? I didn't recall seeing it at all but I remember the party scene because it's on the opening theme (which is my favorite scene of the pilot for that reason). I am only disgusted with Stimpy coughing out hairballs but then this is a grossout show. I'll be laughing at grossout humor but here it's prolonged and came out rather disgusting. I only laughed twice and the funniest was Ren's reaction after realizing what the big sleep means. The beginning was funny as well when the narrator mispronounce Ren's last name. In this episode, Stimpy didn't talked that often. He spoke 4 times while Ren spoke more. All in all, superb pilot for R and S.

001 Aug-11-1991 
Stimpy's Big Day
Pros: The Muddy Muddkskipper Show theme song, sponsor, Stimpy's reaction to getting an award to go to Hollywood, Stimpy's poem, Ren thinks he's Stimpy when he see people with money, cereal commercial
Perfect episode;10/10
The Big Shot
Pros: Kitty Commercial, pillow talk, Stimpy's role on the Muddy Mudskipper, Ren slapping Stimpy after learning that Stimpy stole the money
Perfect episode;10/10
I thought that this was a perfect start for Ren and Stimpy. Unusually, I will be writing reviews like this because it will be easier for me to review by episodes. Here, the plot connect each other. I liked the plot of Stimpy becoming a star at Hollywood. The episode contains some funny scenes like Ren telling Stimpy the danger about cartoons, Stimpy's poem, Ren thinking he's Stimpy just so he can get money, etc. By the next episode while there's still humor, it gets depressing when Ren and Stimpy miss each other. I always liked that reunion scene as it comes out tearjerker but funny at the same time.

002 Aug-25-1991
Robin Höek
Pros: Robin Hoek shooting a melon (and then chicken), a moose fell down on him, George Liquor as Dodge City, talking eye, the ending, etc.
Perfect episode;10/10
Nurse Stimpy
Pros: Ren tasting the All Purpose Icky-Tasting Medicine," four people actually seeing Ren without his fur, Ren's shocked reaction to his sponge bath, 
Cons: Sick Ren grossout shots
Great episode; 8/10
I loved Robin Hoek. It's a funny episode with a hilarious ending. The plot of Stimpy telling Ren a bedtime story (his version of Robin Hood) was creative and amusing to watch. I liked how Stimpy has to come up with something unique in the story like when he keep changing about the weapon Robin Hoek has to shot (melon and chicken). Very funny episode and worth watching. / Nurse Stimpy was a great episode but it's weaker than all the other episodes so far. The grossout scenes were disgusting to look at especially Ren's gross out body shot when he was sick. Stimpy's at the end was less gross. Despite the grossoutness I laughed a few times.

003 Sept-8-1991 
Space Madness
Pros: Opening, Ren's rage of Stimpy tapping, Ren's mental breakdown when he see food pills, Ren eating soap (ice cream bar), Ren using a teeth, the announcer person
Perfect episode; 10/10
The Boy Who Cried Rat!
Pros: Stimpy having a sock as food, Ren using a beaver's teeth as opening a door, Ren as Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry reference, Stimpy eating the 5 bucks
Cons: Stimpy eating Ren
Superb episode; 9/10
Space Madness was a funny episode to watch. It's another one of those episode that will make you laugh out loud. Ren was super funny here as he was suffering Space Madness throughout. Most of those scenes were LOL worthy. The ending came off predictable but it's not that big of an issue so I'll let that slide. / This episode has Ren wearing a Mickey Mouse like outfit and Tom and Jerry reference. The humor is lesser than the previous episode. Stimpy's confession of eating 5 bucks was the funniest scene as you can guess what Ren did after. My only flaws were Stimpy eating Ren (too gross) and the ending comes off as a downer. Unlike last episode, this ending is worse while I didn't mind Space Madness' ending.

004 Sept-29-1991 
Fire Dogs
Pros: Dr Stimpy segment, ugly black spot?, shut up and look stupid, Mr Horse landing on the ground (being weak), elephant landing on Ren and Stimpy (and later the fat woman), and other dogs at the end
Perfect episode; 10/10
The Littlest Giant
Pros: The story itself (despite lacking humor), heartwarming scene with Littlest Giant and Ren (and then he asks Ren all the weird favors), Littlest Giant's loud snorting
Cons: Recycled animation, lack of humor
Great episode; 8/10
Fire Dogs was a very superb episode. The plot is great and the humor is decent. The funniest was when the elephant and the fat woman landing on Ren and Stimpy and the latter making the city shake. All in all, perfect but not the best episode./ I'll be honest, The Littlest Giant, while a great storytelling episode, is probably the weakest episode of the first season. The reason being is the lack of humor and the fact that it reused animation from Robin Hoek which kinda comes off lazy. But either way I still enjoyed the story this time but it isn't as funny as Robin Hoek which was funnier and better than this.

005 Dec-29-1991 
Pros: Stimpy breaking the fourth wall about the episode's title, Stimpy trying to eat the book, pirhana getting stuck on Ren's head, Ren almost saying hell, Ren slapping Stimpy with a book
Cons: Kinda boring
Superb episode; 9/10
Untamed World
Pros: Seagull looks like it gonna eat a turtle but it gave it money, Ren eating a fly, the crocostimpy only saying happy happy/joy joy,
Perfect episode; 10/10
Marooned starts with a familiar opening from Space Madness. It seem to be a sequel to that episode. They both go to space in these episodes. Marooned was a little less funny. My favorite quote in the episode was when Stimpy broke the fourth wall. / This episode is written as a documentary. My favorite part of the episode was the happy/happy, joy/joy scene which was random but funny. Funniest scene was when a seagull was about to eat a truffle but instead it gave money. Nothing much else to say about but I wasn't bored in it.

006 Feb-23-1992 
Black Hole
Pros: Ren and Stimpy's hysterical screaming, second Stimpy going to himself, one eye Stimpy, "exact change only," Stimpy's way of imploding, 
Perfect episode; 10/10
Stimpy's Invention
Pros: Stimpy's cheese invention, Ren getting shaved, "I will kill you!", Ten getting controlled by the Happy Helmet, happy happy joy joy song
Perfect episode; 10/10
It's another episode with a space setting. While it's not as hilarious as the first space episode, it's perfect and better than Marooned. I cracked at up at Ren and Stimpy's hysterical screaming and Stimpy imploding the most. Like the previous episode, there's nothing much else to say. / Excellent way to end season 1. I don't think it's the best episode of the series nor season 1 since I there's a better episode than this. I do love the plot of it which was creative. Seeing Ren happy was funny and so does the inventions of Stimpy. The song was catchy and it's the same repeated phrases we heard in an earlier episode. 

My Thoughts on RandS Season 1
This was a freaking excellent way to start Ren and Stimpy. The humor are mainly present and the funniest are LOL worthy especially in Space Madness. The main characters are hilarious, providing funny lines and scenes that are memorable. Ren cracked me up more since I relate to him the most due to being as hotheaded as he is. None of the episode sucked and the grossout scenes are used sparingly and not too often. 
10/10 despite my calculations being lower. 9.4(something), my ass. It gets a perfect score from me since there's 8 flawless episodes.

Rankings from BEST to WORST
1. Space Madness
2. Stimpy's Invention
3. Robin Hoek
4. The Big Shot
5. Stimpy's Big Day
6. Fire Dogs
7. Black Hole
8. Untamed World
9. The Boy Who Cried Rat
10. Marooned
11. Big House Blues
12. Nurse Stimpy
13. The Littlest Giant

8 perfect
3 superb
2 great

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