Thursday, July 28, 2022

Chowder Scorecard

Chowder review
The Froggy Apple Crumple Thumpkin: I really enjoyed this episode. I hasn't seen this episode (and Chowder's girlfriend) since April 11, 2010 (yes, I still remember that day I watched it), but I'll try to remember the parts that were great/funny. The parts that I liked were the beginning, Schintzel repeatdly being attacked by the creature (it remains me of that Family Guy episode), the steps for the recipe, Chowder eating the Froggy Apple Crumple Thumpkin, and that's pretty much it. Overall, a perferct first episode of Chowder.
10/10 (Amazing)

Chower's Girlfriend: Like the previous one, this episode was perfect. It is a tad bit better than FACT since I laughed so hard at this episode. It introduced Ms. Endive and Panini (if I spelled their names right). The part where Panini see Chowder and try to taste the food (forgot what it called) was funny. Gazpacho's part in this episode was hilarious when he was singing "I'm not your girlfriend." I laughed so hard when Panini holds Chowder and then Chowder splits at her and then everywhere for a long time. I laughed as well when Chowder try to bring a present for Panini, being someone (when he thinks that he's dead) and try to bring the cake. Those parts were super hilarious. I really need to watch this episode again. Overall, it was perfect and hilarious. 10/10 (Amazing)

Burple Nurples: Mung lets Chowder make a dish on his own, but Chowder poisoned the dish he makes, so Mung tries to stop the others from buying the poisonous burple nurples. In my opinion, this is the better episode of this pair. Chowder is actually stuck on the E part of please was funny but it is actually one of the show's first few Overly Long Gag. Mung dressing as different people was pretty funny mainly when he was disguised by a lady. Other memorable moments: Gorgonzla and Mung in disguise kept betting for how much dolaps, the chase scene, and one other part. Overall score 9/10 (Great)

Shnitzel Makes a Deposit: Chowder goes with Shnitzel to the bank under Mung's orders, but Chowder caused trouble for others at the bank. This episode wasn't as superb as Burple Nurples. This episode is sort of. a borefest due to the heavy amount of filler it got. There were some such as Chowder making the key dog get in trouble (which was my biggest problem in this episode) and the old man counting the money. IMO, the memorable moments were "would you?" "would I", Chowder holding his breath, and Chowder saying the ABCs. Overall, because it the long scenes it suffer, this was such a boring episode. Nothing much happen during the middle of the episode. 6/10 (Okay)

Grubble Gum: When Chowder buys some Grubble Gum for him and Truffles, he chews all of the Grubble Gumballs! Now, Chowder is having some side effects. Marzipan City is winds up in a sticky situation. I don't see the hate for this episode. To be honest, it was slightly boring in a few scenes such as Truffles trying to find gum on Chowder's mouth, one of the plans to get rid of the gum. There were great parts such as Chowder chewing all the Grubble Gum, Chowder dreaming, Chowder, Mung, Shintzel, and the bear getting free together and blown away by the steamer, but then they're stuck together leading them the rest of everyone in Marzipan City to be stuck on a rolling ball of gum, and that was it. The ending was a letdown however and it made no sense. Overall score 8/10 (Good)

The Cinnamini Monster: When Chowder discovers a lonely monster in the forest, the whole gang soon has to find a way to escape from their emotionally needy new friend. I don't really enjoyed the episode as much as Grubble Gum. I only laughed a few parts like Chowder saying he can see Mung's booger as a tiny size, Chowder reading the rules quickly, My huge problem here is that there's another filler scene with Chowder and the monster just standing there after asking the monster about having friends. It was completely no dialog (expect for the background music) for like 30 seconds. Overall, this was another okay episode. 6/10 (Okay)

Certifrycation Class: This was a great episode of Chowder. This wasn't my favorite episode since there were some lacking scenes. Mung was a little out of character here since he didn't know how to succeed/ Some of the funny/great scenes in this episode were the beginning, Rubens' appearance throughout, Mung playing with the spoon, Mung doing the ingredients improperly, the montage of Mung messing the recipes, Chowder singing, and Mung stealing Endvice certification. 8/10 (Good)

Sing Beans:This was the better episode of the pairs. Funny parts were Chowder eating the curtains, Schintzel suggesting "Tootie Tootie Beans," Schintzel drawing a realistic cup with a straw, Mung's drawing, Mung trying to tell a joke, Chower telling a story, but Schintzel and Mung are already asleep, and the gang covering the Sing Beans The song towards the end was the best scene in the episode. 10/10 (Amazing)

The Wrong Address: I thought this was a very funny episode of Chowder. It was one of the very first Chowder episodes I've ever saw and it was already making me laugh. Those scene that considered funny are Chowder's gut saying cake, Chowder telling Mung to go to weird locations, Mung's joke and Kwiki's cameo saying "that's terrible," Mung taunting at the creatures (and attack on their cans), the pig lady using pepper spray on Chowder, Mung, and the roast, and the ending. 10/10 (Amazing)

The Wrong Customer: Another funny and perfect episode though the Wrong Address was slightly funnier and better. There were some great parts such as the owl landing in the catering company, the owl taking off Schintzel's apron, the introduction of the cops (their first scene), Sr. Hoagie deciding who should go first, the owl burning schintzel's butt, the other telling Sr. Hoagie that he's stinky, dangerous, the owl causing the catering company to be destroyed, and the last scene. 10/10 (Great)

Mahjongg Night
Being done by Greenblatt himself, this episode was a classic. I liked the plot, humor, and characters, they were simple. What made it a classic episode is that the pain Chowder goes to just to eat a deviled egg. That ending may be one big shaggy dog story but it was still funny nevertheless. Honestly, I thought it was funny that Chowder keeps going downstairs to get deviled eggs only to be stopped by Truffles. The mahjong scenes were cool and it's a bit rushed by the end though since we don't except Truffles to be the winner. Overall, this episode is hilarious all the way through.
10/10 (Great)

Stinky Love
Since Kimchi is a character made of fart clouds, an episode about him seems stupid and gross at first but once you watch it, it's not as bad as you think. The only bad thing about the episode was Kimichi's selfish attitude (it was probably in one scene with the food he felt in love with) and disgusting people with the odor.  There's not as many fart jokes as you thought it would be, so I'll give them that. There's some funny moments like Kimchi ruining a person's ice cream (I has to admit that was kinda funny), some of the lines (particularly from Mung as spoke funny here), and a couple others.
9/10 (Great)

Thrice Cream Man: I thought this episode was perfect. I thought it was funny that Chowder won't stop getting thrice cream every 10 minutes. Mung getting a Thrice Cream Man was very cool. It was very funny that Truffles was at the oven. Chowder not feeling good after he ate of lot of thrice cream was funny. Shintzel and Mung getting rid of the thrice cream and then got brain freeze was very funny. The ending was very interesting and funny. Overall, a perfect episode of Chowder. 10/10 (Amazing)

The Fibber Flabber Diet: I thought this was a great episode. I thought it was super funny that Truffles destroyed some of the building. It was funny that Chowder, Mung, and Scintzel decided not to join the diet thing. The last 2 minutes was funny that they grew the place and then it shrank eventually. My score is lower because I thought Truffles was getting annoying (although it was kinda funny when she said me like 30 times despite being a typical long scene) and I thought the part that Mung getting splitted on was kind taking long. Overall, a great episode. 8/10 (Good)

Gazpacho Stands up
Pro: the  meanie cake, Chowder drawing on the screen, Gazpacho's practice jokes, Montage of Chowder re-writing the book, Shintzel telling a joke, and Gazpacho successfully making his stand up comedy. 
Cons: None
It's Gazpacho's first focused episode and what do I think of this? It's hilarious. Since he's voiced by none other by Dana Synder (we all know him best as Master Shake and his voice is easy to know), I was having a blast with this episode. Seeing an episode with Gazpacho telling jokes is a great premise because Dana Synder has an amusing voice. That idea works for that reason. Because of that, it's flawless overall.
Score 10/10 (Amazing)

A Taste of Marzipan
Pros: "It's gonna knock your pants off," "I had to sell these pants to buy a hat," the customer failed to decide which dish is better, Chowder and Panini bumping into each other, Mung Daal tricking Endive, food fight scene, Gazpacho getting hit by a fruit and cries about it, Truffles reading Mung's thought, and the ending.
Cons: None
This is another flawless episode. It's probably will be the best episode that had to do with a competition between the main characters and Endive. While the last competition wasn't my favorite episode, this one was awesome and funny to watch. It provides some classic scenes as well as some great lines. This one is worth watching and probably the best way to start with Chowder.
Score 10/10 (Amazing)

Puckleberry overload
Pros: Referring Chowder as a bear/rabbit, Mung's high pitched scream, two pig like creatures who keep saying "sweet feet", Chowder talking to his wisdom tooth, sweet tooth, Chowder getting mad, Chowder singing about sour, and The ending.
Cons: Boring parts and the sour guards' personality
This was one of the few episodes I recalled seeing back in 2008 (didn't saw all of season 1 due to my limited interest on CN back then thanks to its then decline). It was superb but it felt a little boring at times and the sour guards were too grumpy for my tastes (even Chowder thinks they are grumpy).  The best part of the episode was the song. Overall, a superb episode of Chowder with a unique plot and great song.
Score 9/10 (Great)

Pros: Truffles fails to get juice, Shintzel saying yes that Truffles is scary, Truffles' weird talk scaring Chowder, Truffles bonding with the elemons, and Truffles successfully making the juices
Cons: Truffles ranting at Mung, Truffles trying to get rid of the elemons.
It's a Truffles episode so it's not that good an episode. She was bitchy in this episode mainly at the beginning but once we got towards the end, she got better. I didn't liked how she acted in the first half. The second half is the reason why it's better. The episode was boring at times to be honest, but it does provide some humor.
Score 6/10 (Okay)

Sniffle ball
Pros: The sun turning around from the king of the sun, Gazpacho blowing whistle, Chowder trying to get to the home base, Mung singing a song about Truffles
Cons: Chowder's crying, Painini's stalker appearance throughout, Gorgonzola's appearance as well, the sniffle ball (seriously it's gross)
I wasn't really digging this episode. I don't liked the premise of this episode. An episode about baseball played with booger. Very gross. This episode was also flawed. Chowder's crying got annoying after awhile and he's unusually extremely childish. Painini's stalker appearance throughout felt forced and annoying as well. I didn't liked Gorgonzola that much either, he seems to be a jerk. There are some great and funny moments though but it's overall half good and half bad. Overall, just a mediocre episode with some noticeable problems.
Score 5/10 (Meh)

Mung on the Rocks
Pros: Chowder kissing the kitchen, Mung doing the huggy dance, the king of the sky zapping the rooster, a crying cake (lol), Gazpacho's appearance when Chowder try to ask him for advice, 
Cons: Mung actually forgetting his anniversary and Mung after Truffles didn't say good morning
Well, this sort of like a marriage crisis much like a Simpsons episode but it is done well unlike most modern episodes of said show. It starts off meh due to Mung's selfishness towards Truffles but it become better once Mung try to make up with her. The episode is humorous at times while the last few minutes were heartwarming. They were the best parts of the episode imo.
Score 9/10 (Great)

The heavy Sleeper
Pros: Chowder sneaking on Mung and scaring him,  Chowder impersonating Mung, Mung sleep talking, Mung landed on the baby carriage, the baby giving a gross kiss to Shintzel, Chowder repeatedly eating the fruit , and the last scene.
Cons: Mung slurping for almost 30 seconds, Chowder making puppy eyes at Shintzel
Score 9/10 (Great)

The Moldy Touch
Pros: Chowder holding a spoon but then he let go of it letting another domino effect, everyone looking in suspicion when Mung mentions the fizzle spice, Chowder walking to a dead version of himself, Mung's surprised look about the mold checkers, pee your pants, Mung stopping the mold monster, the background characters playing chess and Chowder punching the mold.
Cons: None
Score 10/10 (Great)

At your service
Pros: Chowder growing woman legs, Gazpacho's boxing pun, Mung and Chowder licking, Mung and Chowder cleaning all the grease, Chowder trying to get the necklace from Endive, and Chowder and Mung successfully stopping the Grow-mayo.
Cons: Endive's smug behavior
Score 8/10 (Good)

Chowder and Mr Fugi
Pros: Chowder, Mung , Shintzel singing to the clam, the clam singing, Chowder trying to lick the ice cream from the cone, Mario and Luigi look a like, Chowder trying to save Fugu with a small chair, and Fugu was actually at the bird's nest.
Cons: Mr. Fugu keeps eating all the foods, also farting and acting very annoying throughout
Score 5/10 (Meh)

The vacation
Pros: Mung showing Truffles his shorts, "work your tail feathers off," flying rats eating Mung's donuts, Truffles scaring all the drivers, and the ending where they actually made it to the beach.
Cons: Chowder panicking on peeing, Chowder after growing.
Score 7/10 (Good)

The Sleep eater
Pros: Chowder peed in the bed when he requested to do so, Truffles cameo and Chowder said "no, you're not in this episode" and then she disappears, rock music distracting the king of the sky, Chowder avoiding sleep eating, Chowder eating the whole appetize and deflating like a ball and the ending.
Cons: Ling trap (in chowders belly button), Chowder as a sleep eating monster
Score 7/10 (Good)

The Bruised Bluenana
Pros: Chowder escaping from the hook (and said that he's being held hostage), Panini drawing the bluenana ears, Chowder bruising the bluenana, healing the bluenana scenes, the fast forwarding part, Gazpacho as the blueana's mother,  Panini becoming a demon and attacking the disguised Gazpacho
Cons: The "we" joke
For an episode that has some weird and dumb plot, it works because I thought it was amusing to watch. There' were some moments I liked/laughed. I especially laugh out loud at the fast forwarding fast, they did it so fast that you almost see the credits. The only part I didn't liked was the we part. Honestly, it was dragging and was annoying to put up with.
Score: 9/10 (Great)

Shnitzel and the Lead Farfel
Pros: Clay motion workout athlete, Truffles thinking Mung is talking about her mother,  a couple others, talking rock, Shintzel lifting the farfel (and his fear of heights), Chowder going higher while saying "I did it"
Cons: Shintzel struggling to get up, Chowder and Mung stepping on Shintzel
This episode was a tad weaker than the previous episode. It was still funny and had its awesome moments but there's a bit of filler moments. Also while I liked Kevin Michael Richardson's performance of the farfe, the character himself was a little annoying with his bragging.
Score: 8/10 (Good)

The Thousand Pound Cake
Pros: Chowder taking off Shintzel's pants,  Chowder saying slow motion literally in slo-mo, Chowder's snack hypnotizing Shintzel, Chowder's travel song, Shintzel's jaw dropping from seeing the giant, the giant switching the time of the day
Cons: Chowder repeatedly saying hurry up
The episode was great. It had its funny moments like when Chowder and Shintzel keep running into trouble. I especially laughed when Shintzel's jaws dropped from the sight of the giant. I liked that the giant switch the time of day so that they can deliver the cake in time. The episode gets boring sometimes and I didn't liked Chowder saying hurry up to Shintzel over and over.
Score: 8/10 (Good)

The Rat Sandwich
Pros: Reubens flirting with Truffles, Mung and Truffles' fight, Chowder's talking stomach, Mung dressed as Truffles,
Cons: Closeup of rat sandwich
I thought that this episode was decent but it lacked excellence and creativity. The writing in this episode is odd here. The whole rat sandwich thing felt dumb and its grossout scenes were nausea fuel. But I did LOL'd a bit here especially with Chowder's talking stomach. Rubens was annoying here so he deserved that at the end.
Score:  7/10

Chowder Loses His Hat
Pros: Toast is a rooster, really really important (prolonged but it's a tad funny), smelly man, Chowder's sad talk, Muffintops, need a hat song (and Chowder failing to get his hat old by choosing the wrong person)
Cons: ?
The plot of this episode is cliched like people said. The episode gets a bit boring at times as well. But I was laughing at some of the moments especially when Chowder failing to get his hat back by getting the wrong person. Chestnut was okay here but he came off a control freak here. Overall, it's a superb episode despite its execution with the plot.
Score: 9/10 (Great)

Brain Grub
Pros: Claymation imagination with chocolate pudding, Chowder kicking Mung, Shintzel, and Truffles, Chowder putting the spoon in the wrong place, Chowder eating the brain grub quickly, smart Chowder, Chowder becoming a different cartoon,
One of the better episodes in the second half of season 1. I really loved the storyline to this episode because it's clever. Especially on the second half. It become a different show by removing the concept of cooking to something boring. Chowder may be annoying here but he was actually hilarious here and so does the fourth wall gags. Overall, one of the best Chowder episodes.
Score: 10/10 (Great)

Shnitzel Quits
Score: 8/10

The Broken Part
Score: 8/10

The Meach Harvest
Score: 8/10

Banned from the Stand
Score: 9/10

Creme Puff Hands
Score: 8/10

The Apprentice Games
Score: 9/10

Season 2
The Arborians/The Garage Sale: 8/10 and 7/10
Panini for President/Chowder's Babysitter: 8/10 and 8/10
The Fire Breather/The Flying Flinger Lingone: 9/10 and 7/10
Hey Hey It's Knishmas: 10/10
Chowder's Catering Company/The Catchphrase: 8/10 and 9/10
The Hot Date/The Shopping Spree: 9/10 and 10/10
The Party Cruise/Won Ton Bombs: 6/10 and 7/10
The Big Hat Biddy/The Deadly Maze: 8/10 and 7/10
Kid Shnitzel/Gazpacho Fights Back: 7/10 and 8/10
The BLT’s/The Trouble with Truffles: 9/10 and 8/10
The Dinner Theater: 9/10
Big Ball/The Brain Freeze: 8/10 and 8/10
The Snail Car/The Lollistops: 8/10 and 6/10
Endive’s Dirty Secret/Big Food: 7/10 and 8/10
Paint the Town/The Blackout: 10/10 and 9/10
The Dice Cycle/The Chain Recipe: 8/10 and 9/10
The Garden/Sheboodies!: 9/10 and 7/10
Gazpacho Moves In/My Big Fat Stinky Wedding: 8/10 and 6/10
Apprentice Appreciation Day/The Grape Worm: 9/10 and 6/10
A Faire to Remember/Tofu-Town Showdown: 8/10 and 8/10

Season 3
Hands on a Big Mixer/The Blast Raz: 9/10 and 8/10
The Spookiest House in Marzipan/Poultry Giest: 7/10 and 8/10
The Apprentice Scouts/The Belgian Waffle Slobber-Barker: 8/10 and 9/10
A Little Bit of Pizzazz/The Birthday Suits: 9/10 and 9/10
The Heist/The Prank: 9/10 and 8/10
Old Man Thyme/Chowder’s Magazine: 5/10 and 8/10
Weekend at Schnitzel’s/Taste Buds: 7/10 and 8/10
Gazpacho/The Toots: 9/10 and 6/10
Chowder Grows Up: 10/10

Friday, July 1, 2022

When Worlds Collide: The Review

When Worlds Collide: The Review 

        Once upon a time, Nickelodeon have 5 sitcoms. With the exception of Danger Force, none of them were connected or related to the Schneiderverse (though Side Hustle's creator previously worked with Schneider). And That Girl Lay Lay recently did a crossover with Young Dylan. So, what’s a better way to make a crossover with your current sitcoms? By making all of them collide in the same room. It turns out to be part of the series, Side Hustle. It aired during the middle of the second season, but in production order, it’s the final episode of the season. (You can tell it’s a later season 2 episode because Jayden Bartels has longer hair) Ok, so here’s what the crossover revolves on: Frankini (from the Dangerverse) wants to use some orb to turn everyone into backup dancers. That's the main conflict of the story, but how exactly did every show come to be? It turns out Lex, Presley, and Munchy are attending a convention, where Warped! happen to hold a panel there and that is how Milo and Ruby got involved with the plot. Lay Lay and Sadie are just attending the convention. And I almost forgot to mention this, but while Dylan is in it, he only appeared on the phone because his show is filmed at Atlanta as opposed to LA. The Danger Force are on a mission to search for Frankini, although they won't arrive at the convention towards the end.

        Before we move on, I want to warn you guys - since I am a person of many unpopular opinions, which most of my reviews for NickJournals will revolve on, I am going to constantly comparing this crossover special to iParty with Victorious and why I actually considered When Worlds Collide the superior Nickelodeon sitcom crossover. So don't get mad at me, this is just my personal opinion and you must respect it. With that said, let me just say that this is the BEST Nick sitcom of all time. Sure, it should've been longer and it felt rushed in some moment, but I don't think longevity equals a good crossover. Look at iCarly x Victorious (don't feel like repeating the name "iParty with Victorious" over and over again tbh) - a waste of 90 minutes just to set up the two shows from crossing paths. Here, it took no less than 5 minutes to see the Side Hustlers interacting with other shows. While iCarly x Victorious underutilized characters (such as Cat), only Dylan felt the most useless due to his lack of ability to film the whole thing in person. And I'm not saying this just because I like his show the least, but he should've found a way to be used more instead of only being limited to just a phone call. Lay Lay and Sadie are the only characters to interact with him. Meanwhile, the rest of the other shows get to interact with each other in some way. The Danger Force gang does feel underused, but it's justified, they are on a mission. Not counting Frankini (of course, who is the main threat in this special), I feel like Warped! is the most interacted show due to the fact that the titular store has its own panel, leaving for plenty of scenes of both Side Hustle and Warped! kids interacting with each other and I love it. I mean, I'm biased cause they're the best Nick sitcoms currently airing. Unsurprisingly, out of the guest characters to show, my favorite has to be Ruby (it's what you expect when you consider Kate Godfrey the funniest kid actress in the past few years and her performance did not disappoint). Lay Lay was as funny as she was in her own show, which make sense considering John B Deck and Ron Hart produced both Side Hustle and TGLL (though it's written by the Side Hustle creator). And as much as I find Frankini a stereotypical gay villain, I actually enjoyed him as much as I did in the Henry Danger musical special. Before we get to the climax, let's continue gushing how awesome this special is. When you have 5 shows created by different producers vs 2 shows created by the same disgraced man, it's clear which one is better. Sorry, but if you think iParty with Victorious is the greatest Nick crossover of all time, I think you're crazy because that one was flawed as hell. This crossover, although from a couple nitpick I can easily ignore, is perfection. I can't recall any meta moments in iCarly x Victorious, but When Worlds Collide had a few of them. The word crossover was mentioned a couple times and they weren't in your face about it. Slight spoilers for though who hadn't watched it, but towards the very end, there's a moment where the kids addressed Fisher looking like Lil Dynimate from the Dangerverse (Mitchell Berg played both characters). Fisher doesn't see it and when they brought it up, he just stormed off. On an interesting note, it seems like the shows are aware of Danger Force because they were directly mentioned or referenced, hence their fanboy/girl moments when they came. I noticed that Franinki is the only adult character to guest appear in this crossover as the others are all kids. Most of the jokes landed here as they often relied on clever humor to make it work. Meanwhile, iCarly x Victorious came out at a time when Dan Schneider was losing his touch as a writer (mind you, the previous iCarly episode before this special was iOMG, the episode where Freddie and Sam became couples, and the next few episodes after this are torture to watch so, excuse me for my negative opinions on iCarly x Vicotrious). It's sad how a writer who used to work for Schneider did a better job at making a crossover with less screentime than the real deal. Ok, I'll stop slandering iParty with Victorious now because there's something this crossover mastered just as well as that special - the musical numbers. I was expecting a mashup of the show's theme songs (though Warped! doesn't have lyrics, it's just a short electronic piece and Danger Force theme song actually have lyrics unlike its successor but you can only hear it through the full version of the song or the end credits), but it's something different - worlds colliding. Yes, believe it or not, the special's title is called When Worlds Collide and it made me think of that SpongeBob song of the same name. It's a catchy song indeed. Only the Side Hustle and Lay Lay kids get to sing this, though. But yes, despite this, When Worlds Collide climax is still superior as it left me in a good mood whereas iCarly x Victorious left me disappointed after it ended. The special ended with a handshake. And I just described the entire special with my personal thoughts. Hope you enjoyed it.

        I'll never get tired of boasting about Nick sitcoms being in a better position once Schneider left because it is goddamn true. You may let nostalgia blind you, but I feel like the work environment has improved very greatly as I feel like the producers actually gave a damn at writing good scripts instead of phoning in towards the end of your final years at Nickelodeon. With the exception of Young Dylan and Fairly Odder, these new kidcoms felt just as funny as old school kidcoms, especially with actors not shouting their lines as much as the Zarghami era kid actors did. And that's why I enjoyed this crossover special so much because it didn't came out at a dark era and I actually rewatch without feeling ashamed. Even if you haven't watched any of these shows, I recommend it. I hope Nick renews Side Hustle and Warped! so they could make another crossover. If not I'm going to be feel let down.